
 Casa / Stiri

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year from Allegrini

To those who work with us every day...... Citeste mai mult

Città dei mille dic/gen 2017

... Citeste mai mult

Allegrini supports Bergamo Scienza

Allegrini for the culture and science. This year too we are proud to be the sponsor of BergamoScienza, an unmissable event, in the heart of the city, with the aim to create a new culture of science... Citeste mai mult


Allegrini SpA signs a sponsorship agreement with Calzedonia Verona. Read more.... Citeste mai mult

L'Eco di Bergamo

Allegrini expands into foreign markets... Citeste mai mult

New Allegrini 2016 video

Founded in 1945, Allegrini S.p.A. is a leader in the production of detergents for hygiene and cleaning in professional fields. Since 2006 it has also been present in Russia, with headquarters in Mo... Citeste mai mult

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